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Painted Buckeye

Painted Buckeye

Aesculus sylvatica Watercolor 4 x 4"

Fox Grape

Fox Grape

Watercolor on Vellum 5" x 7"

Dried Hardy Orange Twig

Dried Hardy Orange Twig

Poncirus trifoliata Watercolor and ink 6 x 9"

Dried Trumpet Creeper Pods

Dried Trumpet Creeper Pods

Campsis radicans Watercolor and Ink 5 x 6"

Painted Buckeye Heart

Painted Buckeye Heart

Aesculus sylvatica Watercolor 4 x 4"

Fox Grape Leaf in Decay

Fox Grape Leaf in Decay

Vitis labrusca Tinted Ink 5 x 6.5"

Dried Sycamore Leaf

Dried Sycamore Leaf

Platanus occidentalis Colored Pencil 10 x 10"

Carolina Silverbell Seedpods

Carolina Silverbell Seedpods

Halesia Carolina L. Watercolor and Ink 6.5 x 4.5"

Lichen on Dogwood Twig

Lichen on Dogwood Twig

Watercolor and Ink 6.5 x 4.5"

Lichen on Locust twig

Lichen on Locust twig


Maypop - Passion Fruit

Maypop - Passion Fruit

Passiflora incarnata Watercolor 4.5 x 6.5"

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© 2020 Kathy Schermer-Gramm. No work may be copied or used in any manner without written permission from the artist according to international copyright law

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